This where it began, for The Moody Blues, but for the individual members, it had all begun as members of other Birmingham
and Birmingham area groups.The 'Brum Beat' scene was vibrant, and alive with possibilities, mates would get together
and a group would be born, it was a long hard slog, and for many the road was to rocky, and they fell by the wayside, but
for others, they stuck it out and prospered on one level or another. So it was with five musicians, four of whom
the world would come to know well, the fifth has recently re-emerged into the world of music. Mike Pinder, Ray Thomas, Denny
Laine, Clint Warwick & Graeme Edge, had been gigging aroud the Birmingham area, in, as we have noted, other groups. We'll
take a look at these groups in order to put the past into context with what was to come, in such a powerful way.
This recording truly was the beginning for The Moodies, and though they stumbled,
not long afterwards, they never fell, and continued to walk in the direction of......well.... we'll get there too, everything
in its time and place
